Upgrade of AFS on Solaris 2.6 cd /etc/rc3.d/ mv S20afs aS20afs init 6 cd root.server/usr/afs tar cvf - ./bin | (cd /usr/afs; tar xfp -) cd ../../.. cp root.client/usr/vice/etc/modload/libafs.nonfs.o /kernel/fs/afs cp root.server/etc/vfsck /usr/lib/fs/afs/fsck cd root.client/usr/vice tar cvf - ./etc | (cd /usr/vice; tar xf -) cd ../../.. cp lib/pam_afs.krb.so.1 /usr/lib/security cp lib/pam_afs.so.1 /usr/lib/security cd /etc/rc3.d mv aS20afs S20afs init 6 Upgrade of AFS on Irix 6.5 /etc/chkconfig -f afsserver off /etc/chkconfig -f afsclient off /etc/chkconfig -f afsml off /etc/chkconfig -f afsxnfs off /etc/reboot cd root.server/usr/afs tar cvf - ./bin | (cd /usr/afs; tar xfp -) cd ../../.. cp root.client/usr/vice/etc/sgiload/libafs.IP22.nonfs.o /usr/vice/etc/sgiload echo "AFS will be compiled statically into kernel" echo "otherwise skip following lines and use chkconfig afsml on" cp root.client/bin/afs.sm /var/sysgen/system cp root.client/bin/afs /var/sysgen/master.d echo "Tento soubor je z src/libafs/STATIC.*" cp root.client/bin/libafs.IP22.nonfs.a /var/sysgen/boot/afs.a cp /unix /unix_orig /etc/autoconfig echo "end of static kernel modifications" cd root.client/usr/vice/etc echo "nechces nahodou provest prikaz \"cd sgiload; rm libafs.IP19* libafs.IP21* libafs.IP25* libafs.IP26* libafs.IP27* libafs.IP28* libafs.IP30* libafs.IP32* libafs.IP35*\"" echo "Tyto soubory jsou z openafs-1.2.10-rc4/src/libafs/MODLOAD.*" tar cvf - . | (cd /usr/vice/etc; tar xf -) /etc/chkconfig -f afsserver on /etc/chkconfig -f afsclient on # /etc/chkconfig -f afsml on - afs is compiled statically into kernel /etc/chkconfig -f afsml off /etc/chkconfig -f afsxnfs off /etc/reboot AFS 3.6 on Linux mkdir /usr/vice mkdir /usr/vice/etc cd root.client/usr/vice/etc tar cvf - . | (cd /usr/vice/etc; tar xfp -) # cp -p afs.rc /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs # cd /etc/rc3.d # ln -s ../init.d/afs S99afs # cd ../rc0.d # ln -s ../init.d/afs K01afs # cp /usr/vice/etc/afs.conf /etc/sysconfig/afs /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs start # mkdir /vicepa # echo "/dev/disk /vicepa ext2 defaults 0 2">> /etc/fstab echo "natur.cuni.cz" > /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell # echo "/usr/vice/etc/CellServDB" # mkdir /usr/vice/cache # echo "/afs:/usr/vice/cache:50000" > /usr/vice/etc/cacheinfo cp ../../../../lib/pam_afs.krb.so.1 /lib/security cd /lib/security vim /etc/sysconfig/afs ln -s pam_afs.krb.so.1 pam_afs.so # echo "auth sufficient /lib/security/pam_afs.so try_first_pass ignore_root" >> /etc/pam.d/login #ln -s /afs/cellname/@sys/usr/afsws /usr/afsws cd ../../../../root.server/usr/afs tar cvf - . | (cd /usr/afs; tar xfp -)